
Monday, 11 April 2016


This morning our whole Year 7 & 8 Block had 2 Guest speakers to talk about A.I.M (Aspiration, Inspiration and Motivation). The 2 guest speakers Kenese and Arizona Inspired us about our Dreams and what we would like to Accomplish in life. Arizona and Kenese inspired me about what i want in life and what my dream is. Arizona told us how she went to Florida to work at Disney. I bet that must of been a Great Opportunity for her. Kenese told us about his Pass and his Family and other stuff.  When he was in Primary he got picked to be in the I WILL DREAM BIG program which will Pay for his Schooling.  What I'm passionate about is to have a Better School so I can have a Career. My dream or what I want in life is to travel to places and Visit other Countries.

I would to thank Andrew Patterson For Organising this and Also to Arizona and Kenese for coming to Pt England school and Talking about Aspiration, Inspiration and Motivation. I really Appreciate you coming and talking to us about DREAMING BIG!!!.

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