Good Morning Bloggers, This is my Presentation about my reflections for term 3. I was really happy this term with all my progress this term. Im Looking forward to next term.
It has been an awesome term, seeing my friends, Learning everyday and also have archived more than last year. As the term goes by i haved enjoyed learning different things like more Te reo and other things. I am sad that term 3 is ending but happy that term 4 is coming.
I am very excited to be a Year 8 next year but sad because next year is my last year at PES. Us year 7s are going to be the new year 8s next year and it is my worst fear because they are going to be depending on us to be the role models. My highlights for this term is going to Hard Materials at tech. It was awesome, we made our own Silhouette. Some Moments/ funny Moments is when we had our school Cross Country. Our friend didn't want to run so we all encouraged her to run but at the end all her friends ran with her to the finish line. My goals for next term is to be a good role models for the little kids. I would like to say a big thank you too the teachers for teaching me & helping me learn. I really appreciate it.